Too Much Perfection, a funny and cool blog I like to read, was inspired by another blogger and has started making a regular Sunday practice to write briefly on the blessings in her life. Strikes me as someone who has a tendency to focus WAY too much attention on what's not working that this is a good habit for me to adopt as well, so here goes.
Things that I am grateful for this week:
1-The weekend weather which was perfect. Yesterday we were finally able to have the party for my daughter's 19th birthday out in Central Park. There were threats of rain during the week but by Friday it had dissipated to a slight chance and by yesterday turned into the perfect day.
Today, for my very long walk from the Lower East Side of Manhattan, through Williamsburg and Greenpoint, Brooklyn it remained. Delicious, as you will see in tomorrow's blog.
2-I'm glad to have a job. It's bad out there. I was approached twice by the same guy in 2 different parts of Brooklyn today. He is my age, diabetic and jobless. He seemed relatively healthy but had that diabetic thinness that I recognize in some friends of mine. There but for the grace of God....
3-I'm grateful for a newer, nicer apartment to live in and the improvement in my day to day living it's brought. That's not this week, just in general.
4-I'm always grateful for time where I get to see my daughter. I had that on Thursday and on Saturday and both times were just great.
5-On different days this week I have found 2 pennies, a dime and a nickel.
For all this and more; Thanks, thanks and ever thanks.
I love this! Being grateful is so incredibly important. As I've learnt to practice gratitude - no matter how pissed I may be feeling - I've noticed that there is a direct, proportional relationship to being grateful and good things happening.
Glad you made it over the bridge. Finally! It's worth the walk isn't it?
The bridge was easy...and yes, pleasant. I pushed myself a bit hard today though...gonna be paying for it tomorrow.
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