Sunday, July 26, 2009

Reasons to be Grateful, Part 2

Continuing what I hope will be a tradition that TooMuchPerfection inspired, what is usually a list of several things will this week be one thing, cause it is pretty major:

This week, I learned that my daughter made the Dean's List at the end of her Freshman year. (By the way, the picture I use for this blog is the view from her campus). This year started off really rocky and I know I have talked about her Asperger's Syndrome before. She nearly failed out of school altogether with a scary first semester. But like every other time she's fallen, she bounces back up stronger than ever. I'm really proud of her.

To be sure, her mother, her stepfather and I all stepped up too and got more involved, but in the end, once you're in college, its all up to you. And she pulled it off.

So this week, the thing I am grateful for is a daughter that proves herself again and again. Who is smart, funny, geeky and though not without her challenges (what child isn't) a blessing.

Plus her hugs are awesome!

I love you, Scooper.


KB_in_NYC said...

Falling & then picking ourselves up is when we grow and learn. They are also the moments we end up being most proud of.


Opinionated Gifts said...

Thank you, KB.

this new place said...

i expect this sort of thing with my own two daughters. I am already proud of them at their young ages, and know I will continue to be. Congrats to you!