Now while some of the causes espoused by some of the folks on this are legitimate, these protests overall seem to have attracted the mostly loony fringe. And its unfortunate.
I've said before that I want a healthy and intelligent opposition to my liberal tendencies, but we just aren't getting it. We're getting the whackjobs and traitors.
Where the hell were these people 5 years ago when the people who actually got us into this mess were busy getting us into it? Nowhere. Now all of a sudden when they have a Democrat and a black man to blame for other people's fucks ups, they come out in droves.
Robots. Sheep. Fools.
Following are photographs with commentary. I got these off of Huffington Post.

Seriously? "But when you go carryin' pictures of Chairman Mao, you aint gonna make it with anyone anyhow". Closing Guantanamo is just like murdering millions of people in gas chambers, I guess.
There was another I saw, that I haven't been able to find since first seeing it, that called for hanging Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barack Obama and Chris Dodd among others. "Hang em High!" it said, then listed their names.
To be fair, we liberals have our own collection of whackos. But at least ours have signs calling for impeachment and trials. These right wingers just hate due process and apparently aren't too crazy about the Constitution or actually reading history. Or rethinking calling themselves teabaggers or offering to teabag the president. But I'll keep that commentary for Rachel Maddow and Anna Marie Cox.
Somewhere in Arizona, Barry Goldwater's body is spinning in his grave while his soul weeps in Heaven. I might disagree with him on almost everything, but the man had a brain and he used it.
Yeah. Just, yeah. Can't disagree with anything you've said and anything I could add would just be ranty and incoherent.
I almost just posted the pictures under the title "No Comment" but I'm too much of an asshole to shut up.
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